
US $29.00

Hoop Size: 6x10"; 255x1445mm, 5x7" split designs for the mega hoop motif.

File Formats: Art, EXP, HUS, PES, VIP & VP3*
(Please check individual designs for correct hoop sizes)
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An elegant collection with decorative eyelets and tassels to embellish any bed linen in your house.

The eyelets in this collection really stands out as some of the smaller eyelet flowers and ringlets are raised with a double layer satin stitch. Two variations of the tassels are available in the set, one with the long satin fringes and a normal stitched fringe. Different sizes are included from 5x7”

(includes 5x7” split file for the large sham) and larger hoop sizes Includes the sham and pillow case projects.



Close-up of Bonus Pillow Design


Sham Projects

What is a sham? Some pillows have a fancier cover called a ‘sham’. For this project we have a ‘fancy sham’ for the bed too. This is a long embroidered strip that fits horizontally over the normal bed sheet and cover, the width of a normal top bed sheet but much shorter. This is partially folded over all the bedding, showing off the beautiful embroidery. The sham is removed at night, saving the embroidery part and using only the bed sheets as usual. An embroidered sham (bed and pillow set) makes an accent to any bed in your home.


Eyelet embroidery on bed and pillow sham

Large Eyelet Design
Jumbo or mega hoop (One Hooping - Large Size)

Satin Tassel

Design: LM0478
Stitch Count: 13 241
H: 14.23" x W: 5.30"

Stitched Tassel

Design: LM0478
Stitch Count: 14 006
H: 14.23" x W: 5.36"
LMO479 LMO480

Center Design - No Tassel

Design: LM0479
Stitch Count: 5 848
H: 4.70" x W: 5.39"

Center Design - Stitched Tassel

Design: LM0480
Stitch Count: 6 989
H: 5.36" x W: 5.39"

LMO481 LMO482

Center Design - Satin Fringed Tassel

Design: LM0481
Stitch Count: 6 005
H: 5.30" x W: 5.39"

Side / End Motif

Design: LM0482 Left & Right
Stitch Count: 3 330
H: 4.52" x W: 3.27"

LMO483 LMO484

Side / End Motif

Design: LM0483 Left & Right
Stitch Count: 4 115
H: 4.79" x W: 3.41"

Eyelet Scallop

Design: LM0484
Stitch Count: 1 948
H: 1.23" x W: 3.53"

LMO485 LMO486

Tassel - Stitched Fringe

Design: LM0485
Stitch Count: 4 166
H: 4.97" x W: 1.49"

Tassel - Satin Fringe

Design: LM0486
Stitch Count: 3 175
H: 4.77" x W: 1.49"

LMO487 LMO487b

Eyelet Flower Ringlet

Design: LM0487
Stitch Count: 903
H: 0.99" x W: 1.01"

Double Eyelet Flower Ringlet

Design: LM0487b
Stitch Count: 2 377
H: 1.49" x W: 1.54"


Eyelet Flower Ringlet with End Motif

Design: LM0487c
Stitch Count: 2 989
H: 1.71" x W: 3.17"

LMO488 LMO488b

Single Flower

Design: LM0488
Stitch Count: 179
H: 0.37" x W: 0.34"

Double Flower

Design: LM0488b
Stitch Count: 495
H: 0.67" x W: 0.60"

LMO489 LMO486Test

Single Eyelet

Design: LM0489
Stitch Count: 135
H: 0.31" x W: 0.31"

Test Tassel

Design: LM0486Test
Stitch Count: 541
H: 1.54" x W: 0.37"


Lace-through Buttonholes

Design: LM0490
Stitch Count: 1 368
H: 0.82" x W: 3.14"


Bonus Eyelet Design

Design: LM0LMOPilloweyeletbonus
Stitch Count: 7 829
H: 7.71" x W: 5.02"

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Please ensure that you order the correct format and hoop size for your machine. However should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me, as we can not be held liable for any incorrect format(s) or size(s) ordered.


File Formats: Art, EXP, HUS, PES, VIP & VP3
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